Yearly Archives: 2010

Working in Capitol Hill in Washington DC – Opportunity and Scope for pursuing a great career

When it comes to a career opportunity the scope for a wonderful career is excellent in Capitol Hill in Washington DC. There are array of jobs in Capitol Hill that you can choose from to build a successful career for yourself. Amongst the different Washington DC jobs, the jobs in Public Affairs are perceived as one of the most sought after job by aspiring youngsters. You can pursue a career in the Public Affairs sectors as a Writer, press secretary, Communications Associate and so on and so forth.

Why You Should Earn an MBA Degree

There are millions of students earning an MBA each year from top institutions of different countries. The number has significantly risen over the past few years. Why is this sudden trend? Why are more and more people choosing to earn a degree of MBA? What does an MBA degree give you? Why should you even earn one? These are the big questions of the present students willing to go into a B-school. To get the answers to these troubling questions, we need to first understand what an MBA is.

How to post your resumes online?

When you have taken the decision of leaving your current job, or you have just stepped out of your academic life and now badly in search of a job then having your resumes posted online can be of special help to you. Through many links and sources you can land upon the valuable information about the appropriate jobs and some of the good career sites can be the right options in this regard.

Attorney Jobs in Colorado

Attorney jobs have become very popular these days. Lots of people are choosing the legal profession because of the immense prospect in this field. You can start as a lawyer and then reach up to the highest position by becoming the judge.

Education Jobs: Georgia Opportunities

In Georgia, education jobs are available aplenty, if you know the right places to look for. The education industry is constantly in need for employees. It is a fast growing industry and it never seems to run short of its demands for newer applicants. So if you are on the lookout for education jobs in Georgia and are feeling practically lost as your searches have not yielded good results, then read up on what we have to offer. We have shortlisted down the best available opportunities for you.

How to procrastinate less at work?

''I will do it later on.. There is a lot of time!” Procrastination refers to the counter productive deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Deferring a job to and keeping it for some other time is basically what we mean by this term. It is the mechanism of coping with anxiety associated with starting or completing a task or maybe even taking a decision.

How to Make a Modern CV Resume

The requirements of the corporate sector have changed and so has the art of designing a resume. This goes without saying that the conventional style of designing a resume does not work always. Multiple styles of resumes have sprouted all over the place in the last few years and they have takers too.

How to Become a Fashion Designer When You are a Kid

There are two schools of thought on the qualities needed to become a fashion designer. One school of thought believes that an eye for fashion is inborn and God gifted and cannot be acquired through practice and perseverance. The other school of thought on the other hand believes that it is hard work and perseverance that can make a fashion designer out of a kid.