Yearly Archives: 2010

Asking for a Raise

Like many, you're feeling overworked, and underpaid. At this point, you may consider asking for a pay raise. But, before you march into your boss' office, demanding a larger salary, read on.

Gravitate Towards People and Organizations that Appear to Have Good Luck

I have spent a large portion of my life finding jobs for people. In this career I have gradually come to realize that there are some people and organizations out there who simply have what I would call bad luck. Something seems to go wrong with everything these people or organizations get involved in. Others appear to have good luck-everything they touch seemingly turns to gold.

Expert Interviewing Tips – Part 1

The interview:

An interview is a meeting (generally for the first time) between the recruiter and you. It can either be a formal meeting with a panel of interviewers which involves serious discussions in an office, or a causal conversation, may be over a dinner. Whichever is the manner of interview, you need to understand the fact that getting selected for it basically indicates that the potential employer has some interest in you and that you need to pick up from here and make sure that this interest develops into a confirmation that you are 'the' candidate whom they wish to hire.

Advertising Manager – Myths about Advertising Manager Employment Opportunities

The position of an advertising manager sounds very attractive, but before images of big pay packets and loads of freebies start developing, pause and think. There are many myths about the job and all is not hunky dory with a top drawer job in advertising. You could be an online advertising manager or an advertising project manager, but the challenges are immense and it is difficult to succeed in these days of cut throat competition.