Yearly Archives: 2010

Resumes without Covers

A resume is a document which markets your credentials and showcases your skills. It tells prospective employers what you have done and what you are capable of. Given this tremendous responsibility which the resume holds, it must be written with great care and attention. However, even if you dedicate a good amount of time to creating one and are successful in producing a highly effective resume, if the resume does not have a cover along with it, your efforts were futile.

The Marketing Operations Manager – Setting Things Right!

Any business out there selling a product or service needs to spend on marketing. Marketing investments are a major part of any business, and they are sharply increasing as the number of marketing channels continues to grow, providing marketers with newer, better, and more efficient avenues through which to reach their target audiences.

The Importance of Sharing

The most happy and successful people in the world are masters of sharing. The most unhappy and consistently challenged people, both emotionally and financially, are poor at sharing. When you find people who are alone and miserable, in most cases they are also not the sharing kind. When you encounter people who persistently are unemployed, or have difficulties getting ahead in their jobs, most of these people too will have problems with sharing. In fact, wherever you go in the world and whomever you meet, as a general rule the people who do the best in their careers and lives are good at sharing.