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PR Employment – Rules for Working in Publicity Jobs

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Learn to see the difference between a speculation and a rumor

Just to attract attention and create a publicity buzz, you cannot simply spread rumors or even speculate. If there is speculation in the market about something, please do a proper research on the same as in, whether the speculation is bound to come true or not. Remember, one wrong speculation and it can make a big blot on your company’s PR strategy, leading to your expulsion from the job – at the earliest! Rumors are generally spread by the paparazzi when dealing with celebrities; actually it is the publicity that makes a celeb what they are today. Without it their existence would be void, almost!

Contacts, Networking, Socializing – 3 aspects of success in publicity jobs

The internet is fast growing into a platform where all meeting take place. The internet is an ideal medium of communication as well. And thanks to social networking, the communication channels have opened up in a big way. Therefore one important related rule of a publicity job is to make and keep contacts. For example, making courtesy calls even when they are not required will give your company, a much needed boost – and that too, immensely. Socializing – as it is always the case with publicists, should not remain confined to social parties but should be extended to online meetings as well. In the near future, the internet is going to play the biggest role in a publicity job.

Publicity without a strong product is a failed publicity

What happens when you create a buzz? People are interested to see the product around which the buzz was created. Therefore one important rule of a publicity job is to ensure that the product is worth the hype and buzz created in the market. Today, there is immense competition in the market and false hypes can instead kill the business. If your product is in the nascent stage, it would be wise on your part to go for a lightweight promotion strategy.

Maintaining your integrity in the nitty-gritty of things

Last but not the least – in order to see their career zoom ahead, many youngsters compromise with their seniors and people they meet. Of course, the promotion might be in hand, but when everything is viewed with respect to a larger scheme of things, it becomes apparent that it was a bad decision and in turn hampered your long term career goals. The key to survival in this tough publicity job is to carve a niche of your own and keep your integrity intact.

PR Employment - Rules for Working in Publicity Jobs by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes