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100K Jobs – Common Mistakes Made in the Search for 100K Job Opportunities

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Common Mistake #1: Not Keeping Up with Technology

It is great if you romance the old world charm, but if you’re against technology, you’re digging your own grave as far as getting a lucrative paying job goes. Your employer when paying you high will want you to be abreast of the latest technologies, more importantly, such technologies that they make use of in their operations. The high payment amount should drive and motivate you to learn new technologies even if you’re against them. After all, they are nothing to be afraid of, or there should be no reason as why you should resist their use.

Common Mistake #2: Forgetting the Internet

The internet is a boon that all should be proud of. What started as a communication backbone for some military network revolutionized the whole world and the way we see at things. Communication is faster and cheaper, thanks to the internet. Therefore forgetting to use the internet while searching for such high paying jobs means that you’re not in touch with the latest technology!

Common Mistake #3: Relying too Much on Internet Information

Not all information on the internet is writing in stone. Much of it is written for commercial purposes. Not all high-paying jobs are real; 100k job scams are not new, if you keep yourself updated. Social networking is great and that may help you find the right job with the right salary.

Common Mistake #4: Registering with all Job Search Sites

Your employers are mostly connected to popular job search sites. Now, if you post your resume on numerous job sites, they will be coming across the same resume multiple times and may reject it. It also often so happens that job sites themselves ‘push back’ certain resumes that they find redundant. Therefore applying to all job search sites does not mean that you’re assured of a 100k job!

Common Mistake #5: Looking for Only High Paying Jobs

If you’re qualified enough and are only looking for high paying jobs, you might be making a mistake – you should look for higher paying jobs! There are numerous instances of companies paying high but paying as CTC – cost to company. That surely means that you’ll get a lesser amount in your hands and the rest as security, deducted for insurance, etc. One of the questions therefore that you must ask your employers is that – whether the salary you’ll be getting is a CTC or a sum that you’ll get in hand?

100K Jobs - Common Mistakes Made in the Search for 100K Job Opportunities by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes