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Advertising Marketing Jobs – Common Myths About Advertising Marketing Internships

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Advertising marketing is thus a very lucrative field currently. This is that branch of marketing which strives to sell the product through advertising. The monopoly of the manufacturers is over. The day of the consumer is here and as a seller you have to impress your customer. It is surely a buyer’s market and advertising is the trick that can make the difference between profit and loss, success and failure.

To succeed in advertising marketing you need to have multifaceted skills. You need to have a very good idea about the market and the industry. The technical knowhow is necessary to work in any marketing position. At the same time, to be good at the advertising aspect you need to have truckloads of creativity and be brimming with ideas at all times. If you possess both these skills you are sure to rise to new heights in marketing.

There is a common belief going around that advertising marketing jobs pay less compared to other commercial jobs. This is not true. Owing to the nature of the work, these jibs generally have a very high pay scale.

Another common myth is that you cannot rise to the top positions in the company if you take up a marketing advertising job. This again, is false. With the right qualifications and experience you can scale new heights and make a difference to the company you are working for.

People often think that marketing and advertising are not related. They forget that the two are not independent of each other and often share a symbiotic relationship. They two go hand in hand to maximize the sales of the product of the company.

Another myth is that in this field you learn with time and experience. While this is partially true, you also need a basic knack which will ensure that you are good at your job. Without creativity and new ideas you cannot go far in this field no matter how much you try. An innate aptitude for advertising is what decides whether you are good at what you do.

People often think that some skills can be done without. But the fact is that without good communication skills, you can go only so far. Marketing is such a field that requires you to communicate with people on a regular basis and express your ideas to the general public. To come with a hit advertising campaign good communication skills are a must.

Another common myth is that research is overrated. But truth is, for a product to be successful there has to be a certain amount of research behind the launch of the product, the importance of which cannot be underestimated.

Advertising Marketing Jobs - Common Myths About Advertising Marketing Internships by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes