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Job Openings – Q & A About Finding Job Openings

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You will also find the answer to the question. Learn the cause behind asking thee question. Here we go!

  • Q: how long have you spent searching for a job? (Cause: do you have any shortcoming which other employers have discovered!)
  • A: After I quit my last job, I took time off to be with myself and discover things related to my career. I didn’t think about these things earlier, simply went ahead with a job. I wanted to find out my long term goals, and have adopted a selective approach towards jobs. I just started searching for jobs in the last couple of weeks. I am interested in your company and the position that I have applied for.
  • Q: how have you prepared yourself to face this interview? (Cause: are you really interested in the job or just have come without much eagerness.)
  • A: when I came across this advertisement on the internet, it caught my attention. I immediately logged on to the website of the company to find out more information about it. I found out about the company, its founders, the executives etc. when I got the appointment, I spoke to my friends (who are from the industry) about it.
  • Q: how much salary are you expecting? (Cause: can we afford whatever you are going to charge us? Can you demand less than what we expect).
  • A: I need to know more about the job, the responsibilities that come with it, before I can assess a salary. Can I know how much range is budgeted for this position?
  • Q: How do you stay updated on the progresses, news, about the industries in which you have worked? (Cause: once you are through, do you carry on with the habit of learning?)
  • A: I try and stay updated with almost all the information that I can gather. I read up the business sections of newspapers and magazines. I am a part of some of the professional organizations. I make friends with people who work in the industry. I also attend as many seminars as I can. This is how I keep myself updated with all the news related to the job market.
  • Q: Which type of people do you find uncomfortable working with?
  • A: I have been comfortable with most people I have worked with in the past (with a few exceptions). I came across people from varied backgrounds, yet had no problems dealing with them. However, I was upset with the dishonesty that some people had shown about work. I had told them that politely on the face, when I got the chance to communicate.
Job Openings - Q & A About Finding Job Openings by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes