Monthly Archives: July 2011

Accounting Jobs – The Importance of Following Every Law in accounting

people belonging to accounts department make sure that firms work efficiently and public records are maintained well, taxes are paid absolutely on time. Accountants analyze financial issues and they also communicate about these issues to various other firms, to individual clients and also to the governments, federal as well state.

Public Relations Jobs – How to Succeed in an Internship in Public Relations

Internship jobs are more about survival than anything else. It is the performance of an individual as an intern that goes on to define their future career. Now that you've bagged a good PR internship offer with a great PR company, you would like to succeed in such an entry level PR opportunity with ease. However as much as it is a learning opportunity for interns it is the successful completion of the assignment that should matter to you as an intern.

Marketing PR Jobs – Top 10 Tips to Get Hired by a Marketing PR Firm

A company's existence today depends on the amount of time and money they invest in marketing their product. It will not work only if the product is good; one needs to satisfy their customers with a good service backup also and that is where a PR manager steps in. Therefore, the position of a Marketing PR executive is one of most important positions within an organization.

Jobs in Public Relations – 7 Steps Getting Fashion PR Jobs

The fashion industry is one of the top earning and lucrative industry of the world. Be it models, advertisements, supermodels, celebrities, or even sports stars; everyone is pulled into the fashion industry. Having said that, the fashion industry is a big arena to discuss business; also for the paparazzi too! Therefore it comes naturally that a fashion publicist would have one of the most lucrative and entertaining jobs in the world. However glitzy though it may appear from the outside, it is a job of immense pressure.

Advertising PR Jobs – Top Mistakes Made in Advertising PR Jobs

To consider that getting into an advertising PR job is the ultimate thing to have happened to you is the first mistake on your part. Agreed that it was very difficult for you to get inside and once you get that job, it calls for a celebration; but you should be careful enough to not let the job opportunity slip out of your hands.

Public Relations Jobs – Q & A about Public Relations Internships

If you want to pursue a career in public relations there are no fixed rules that you have to follow. However, if you can manage to get a college degree and secure work experience through public relations internship, that is going to be an ideal start for your public relations career. These days' internships have become vital if you are looking forward to a career in public relations.