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Action Needed Now in Global Job Crisis

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The United States is not the only one facing a job crisis. In fact, most of the world is facing a job crisis which is making this time era known as the global job crisis. The year of 2008 brought more job losses than anyone cares to imagine. More than 200 million people are without jobs in the world and the number just keeps going up. However, the people of the world should know that unemployment numbers are only part of the global job crisis.

Some people are back to work part time and others have given up on the job hunt altogether. The young people of the world are finding that it’s even harder to find work. Hundreds of protests related to job losses have broken out all over the world.

The main issue is that people are not able to find employment but on the other hand there is an even bigger issue. People just want a fair chance at finding a decent job. If a person is lucky enough to find work, they are quickly finding that the wages and the way they are treated are highly unfair.

G-20 leaders have a lot to settle within the coming months. The bottom line is that the debt crisis needs solved worldwide as well as calming the financial markets. How does one group tackle issues that are so large and affecting the whole world? The G-20 leaders agree that quality employment is essential to help get the world back on its feet.

There are four measures that have been put into place by the G-20 group. The first is an investment in jobs. There has been proof from other countries that investments are a huge factor in keeping and sustaining employment when times are tough in the economy. Secondly, in order to create jobs, businesses must have access to financing. Other countries like Brazil and Russia have shown that this method works.

Thirdly, since the young generation has been hit hard in this global job crisis, G-20 agrees that more jobs need created for young people. Stopping youth unemployment rates is important and this measure can be modeled by following countries like Australia and Germany. These countries have a very low unemployment rate for the young people in their countries. Last but not least, getting people out of poverty and building a universal social protection in countries that have none.

Equity is also a huge problem in the world today. People need confidence to start borrowing again and banks need confidence to start lending again. If people are not taking chances with equity, then there will be no future job growth. All of these factors can help bring more jobs back into the world. Not only would this bring more jobs back into the economy but it will also help bring a new era of social justice. When something changes like job equality, then a lot more starts changing in the world.

Action Needed Now in Global Job Crisis by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes