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Unemployment For Guardsmen

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There are several Sergeants who work for the Army National Guard in Afghanistan. Many of these men and women have been serving overseas for quite some time now. Unfortunately, when they return to America from their deployment, they will be faced with something that is unbelievably scary, unemployment. While they are employed now, knowing that the future is not promised is something that these soldiers are definitely worried about, according to The Republic of Indiana.

A married soldier with three children says, “I don’t have a job to go back to.” He says, “My wife doesn’t work, and we have three children ages 6, 3 and 1.” He says that he cannot wait to return home, as expected, he misses his wife and children dearly. However, the pain of being unemployed has not had the chance to sink in. He says, “Many of our soldiers will be unemployed when they return home,” He also said, “Though we have many skills and abilities to provide the employment market, it will still be difficult to find employment.” This is something that he along with many other soldiers have concerns about as they have families to feed and support.

The real truth is, almost 50 percent of soldiers from the separate Nevada companies will return home to the Las Vegas area and will be unemployed. These soldiers will return home and do not have a job waiting for them, which is a scary thought, especially in an economy where it is still hard to find employment.

Since many soldiers will be faced with unemployment when they come home after their deployment, the Senator and the Governor for Nevada plan to provide these soldiers with assistance so that they will be able to find the necessary employment at a faster pace. Some soldier are asking for extensions to stay in Afghanistan for the time being because of the economy in the United States. The economy, which has been out of shape for the past four years, is only beginning to get better when it comes to the unemployment rate. It is still hard, in most areas of the United states, to find employment as the unemployment rates are still relatively high. More so, soldiers and veterans of the war are having the hardest time finding the employment they need as they return to civilian life.

Because it can be a challenge to find employment, these soldiers are advised to start job seeking right now, before they even head back to Nevada from Afghanistan. It makes sense to look for and apply for these jobs as soon as possible. Looking for jobs earlier on, before returning to Nevada, will enable these soldiers to have better success at finding employment.

Unemployment For Guardsmen by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes