Yearly Archives: 2011

Human Resources Careers – Top 10 Tips for Being an HR Manager

Human resource is one of the most desired job profiles in a service industry and yet very tricky to get. The reason why some chosen people are in the HR is that they are better people managers and a HR is supposed to do that - precisely. People having better interpersonal and soft skills can be chosen over one who may have a greater degree or even experience! Now that you've got the HR job, here are top 10 tips to see your HR career fly!

Job Opportunities – Tips for Locating Good Job Opportunities

Irrespective of the numerous jobs available in the job market today securing one for you is not the easiest thing to do. The increasing competition and the blind rat race for success have made the job market a tougher place than it once used to be. This fact applies to all the sectors and includes people from the highest to the moderate pay scales. Be it local job opportunities or part time job opportunities everything seems to be so competitive these days.

100K Careers – Rules for Success in 100K Job Opportunities

Thumb Rule for Success #1: Dedication and Determination
These 2 things are the most well-known of all rules but hardly does anyone take them seriously. Those who do, rise fast to the upper ethos of success and the 100k barrier is then not at all something difficult to achieve then - it is a mark they'd have left much before and inching towards new milestones!