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Google Campaign Based on Emotions

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Google is one of the largest advertising companies in existence. It is not only a popular advertising company in the United States, it is one of the largest in the entire world. Most people have heard about Google, the company known for having the best search engine on the Internet and also for producing those amazing Android smart phones. Google first entered the scene into advertising with an ad that was featured during the Super Bowl during 2010. The advertisement had to do with a couple who fell in love. However, last year, the company was focused much more on a particular campaign that represented the brand in other ways aside from the online world.

Peter Daboll, the chief executive for Ace Metrix, a firm known for evaluating television advertisements, has said, “This past year has really been a remarkable transformation for Google.” While Google is widely recognized and popular in areas all over the world, it is important for the company to tell its own story. If Google wants some of their new products, such as Google Chrome and Google Plus to work out and be successful, they need to find a means of revenue aside from money from search advertisements.

These advertisements, strung with emotions, are also a way to engage consumers to actually watch the advertisement and view Google product as something they would like to use, something that is attractive to them. As of right now, there has been no word on how much money Google is spending with its increase advertising but the vice president for global marketing of Google, Lorraine Twohill, has said that they have been using new strategies with their advertisements.

Twohill says, “As we got bigger, we had more competition, more products, more messages to consumers, so we needed to do a bit more to communicate what these products are and how you can use them.” It definitely does not hurt to tell stories that are emotional and heartwarming to those who are watching the advertisements.

Twohill says, “If we don’t make you cry, we fail.” She also said, “It’s about emotion, which is bizarre for a tech company.”  Viewers will see and feel the emotion in these different advertisements. For example, in one Google advertisement, a father sends multimedia message to his young daughter. In another advertisement, a grandmother and her grandchildren are dancing to the very popular Lady Gaga. People enjoy these commercials and can relate to them.

Aside from sentimental and emotional value, Google advertisements will still be full with important statistical data that proves why they are the best to begin with. In fact, for the Super Bowl ad that was displayed in 2010, Google placed several videos on YouTube and the one with the most views was the one they chose to display during the Super Bowl.

Google Campaign Based on Emotions by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes