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CSC to Layoff 640

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If you don’t know who CSC is or what they do don’t worry, you’re not alone. Before we begin lets take a look at how the company describes itself, “We are often asked, “What is it that you do?” We tell them, humbly and yet truthfully: we do amazing things. We help solve big challenges. Technically complex, mission-critical challenges. Watch our video, which brings to life a few of those challenges through four short case studies. Or, read from a list of hundreds of our client success stories.”

While that may just be a good marketing strategy one of the amazing things that the company is doing currently doing is to let go of a good number of is staff. The company is getting ready to give the axe to 640 of its workers in order to make ends meet. This comes directly after a failed voluntary layoff program that took place in February. That program hoped to cut back by about 500 employees. As you can imagine few people were keen to choose to be out of a job in the current market.

While we do know that the workers will get a 90 day period of notice before they are left without a salary. Other than that we do not have a lot of information about who is going to be laid off, what types of positions are going to be cut and what, if any, kind of severance may be offered to the soon to be displaced workers.

Of course, this is not the only IT firm to be impacted by the bad market. Event much larger companies are having to make cuts in order to make ends meet. Take, for example, the recent cuts at Sprint. For those of you who missed out on our earlier coverage of that loss here is an excerpt that will get you up to speed in no time at all:

“When it comes to the big providers of cell phone service there are a lot of things that they may be known for: high-speed data plans, having exclusive contracts for the current must have device or maybe even a new type of service that their competitors do not have. Few, if any, of them are known for their customer service. If you have never had the occasion to call a customer service line for yourself just do a quick Google. You’ll see that all of the major carriers have sites created by frustrated customers to vent their frustration. Many of them are communities where multiple end users can tell their horror stories.

It looks like the companies, or at least one company, know that so they have decided to cut where people are likely to notice least, customer service. Late on Friday Sprint let go of 60 of its customer service reps. Those representatives dealt primarily in the set up of new customers and helping people acclimate to new phones.

The company is attributing the loss not to the poor economy or bad sales numbers, but to an overall change in the organizational structure of the company. The workers tasks will be outsourced to other employees in different facilities the company uses for service.

At the current moment the company is not giving out any information about the terms of the layoff. They have not mentioned the amount of notice that the workers are getting, or what severance they may be offering to the workers.”

CSC to Layoff 640 by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes