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New Rules for Unemployment Benefits

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While millions of people in the United States are already dealing with the issue of losing employment and having to search for new jobs, there is yet another hurdle that they are going to have to deal with. Because of new rules that have been made, it will be more difficult for individuals to collect the federal unemployment benefits that are available to those who are unemployed. With new rules that were passed through with Congress for this year, now jobless individuals will have to stop at the One-Stop Career Center in order to receive an assessment and ultimately get the unemployment checks that they will need while unemployed. What this means is thousands of unemployed individuals now have to head over to these centers and plenty of states are dealing with quite a scramble to say the least. Millions of people are likely going to through the assessment process throughout this year alone.

Along with the new federal rules that have been made, quite a few states are making adjustments to the types of requirements they want from people who are looking to get on unemployment, which includes documentation and proof that the individual is, in fact, searching for a new job and looking to return back to work with any type of job that is available. Many states are requiring that the unemployed individuals must consistently search for jobs and will need to show proof of their job search as well. While some people believe that the new rules are terrible, many experts believe they are actually a good idea, especially when it comes to helping the jobless find work and assisting them with their search for work. It gives these individuals times to see how the job market is and what types of jobs are available to them.

With the new law, it is believed that it is more important to provide people with the tools to find jobs instead of simply handing out checks, which is generally why the rules were passed. Various One-Stop centers all around the United States are calling unemployed individuals who receive unemployment benefits, asking them to schedule an appointment and come on in to the center. The point of the assessment is to help the center find out what the individual has to offer in terms of skills and to figure out whether or not the individual is searching for jobs that actually match up with his or her own skills, instead of applying for jobs that he or she is not qualified for. In many instances, the individuals will often have to accept a job where they are receiving less than they normally would, especially during this point and time with the economy still struggling. The center provides assistance in helping these individuals improve their interview skills, fix up their resumes and hunt for the right jobs.

New Rules for Unemployment Benefits by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes