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Romney Raw, Unplugged And Unscripted: Caught on Video Spouting Scorn And Contempt On Almost Half Of the American People

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There are two moments so far that have been called as moments that confirmed that Obama would be reelected President. The first came when Bill Clinton spoke on his behalf during the convention and many called it the defining moment.

The second has come with the revelation of a secret video, released by David Corn of Mother Jones, who got hold of this leaked recording but has declined to reveal the source. The video has Romney telling a group of wealthy American donors, what he really thinks of people who vote for Obama.

He brushed them aside with scorn and disdain and called them freeloaders who pay no taxes, who are irresponsible and feel that it is the government’s duty to look after them.

When one of the donors asked him, how he expected to win the elections he replied, that there were 47 percent of the people who would definitely vote for Obama. These are the guys who are dependent on the government for everything. They pay no tax yet they want the government to provide them with food, housing and healthcare “My job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

Amongst friends he tended to be a little less choosy about his words. Speaking about his father he said, “Had he been born of Mexican parents, I’d have a better shot of winning this.”

Who are the 47 percent, who do not pay taxes that Governor Romney is referring to? According to fed reports, last year there were 22 percent elderly people on social security, 17 percent students and the rest were low-income workers who are exempted under law from paying taxes. What Romney’s rhetoric failed to realize was that a sizeable portion of these non-tax paying Americans were working class whites, who are assumed to be Romney voters.

This was Romney raw and unplugged and unscripted. Amongst people he felt comfortable with he unleashed himself, unafraid that these words could return to haunt him and jeopardize his chances of becoming President. He showed derision and contempt for almost half of his fellow men calling them as parasites bereft of moral fiber, courage, and enterprise.

Would he have dared to say these things on an open platform or during a debate? No. His daring was reserved for the privileged elite who had paid good money for the honor of his company.

The question is, does Romney really believe this deep down in his heart? Or was he saying what he thought his elite friends wanted to hear and would then willingly open their purses to him.

The Obama campaign has seized on the governor’s verbal outburst and campaign manager Jim Messina said, “It’s shocking that a candidate for President of the United States would go behind closed doors and declare to a group of wealthy donors that half the American people view themselves as ‘victims,’ entitled to handouts, and are unwilling to take ‘personal responsibility’ for their lives. It’s hard to serve as president for all Americans when you’ve disdainfully written off half the nation.”

What is worse is that Corn has said that there is more to follow and there is more embarrassment in store for Romney.

The unemployment is at an all time high, the debt is in trillions, Americans are worse off than they were four years ago, job reports refuse to improve, young soldiers die to enemy bullets and bombs in alien lands thousands of miles away from home, Romney with a judicious control of his words could have romped home a victor by a comfortable margin – but the verbal diarrhea that he preferred over intelligent discourse has spelt finish to his presidential aspirations – it could truly be the moment that signals his campaign is over.

Romney Raw, Unplugged And Unscripted: Caught on Video Spouting Scorn And Contempt On Almost Half Of the American People by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes