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College Football and Television Advertisements

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Advertising during the broadcast of college football games has become quite popular amongst advertisers and marketers. With the amount of advertising increasing, there has been much escalation on the subject matter of television rights fees for different types of college sports, including college football, according to The Wall Street Journal.

During the 2011 football season, various different companies spent a complete total of around $1 billion on advertisements, all of which would be featured during the televised broadcast of the game. The amount spent during 2011 was a total increase of around 27% from the previous year, during the 2010 football season.

College football games are exciting, but they may not seem like an ideal spot for certain advertisements, including advertisements for different types of insurance. However, the Aflac Incorporation, which specializes in different types of insurance, is currently using these football games as part of its strategy for grasping a live audience and getting their attention.

Aflac currently airs advertisements during the football broadcasts, but it also visits and travels to different college campuses as well. For the following football season, Aflac has serious plans on attending a series of football events while providing a signup opportunity for both students and college alumni. These individuals will be able to sign up for the different kinds of insurance plans that are offered by Aflac.

There are several other companies, aside from Aflac, that are increasing the amount of spending for advertisements featured during college football broadcasts. One of those companies happens to be General Motors, which spends nearly the most money on college football than any other company, aside from AT&T.

AT&T is the leading spender on advertisements during college football broadcasts, and even they have increased their spending from the last season by a total of 24%. When asked of its spending on college football, Aflac made it clear that in the span of just three years, they have increased their spending by nearly 50%. Exact figures were not provided by Aflac, but Kantar Media claims that the incorporation spent at least $9 million during the last season of college football.

There are plenty of good reasons for advertisers to take advantage of advertising during college football games. Professional football is extremely popular, and college football has become even more exciting and popular over the years. There are so many people who actually attend these games and also watch these games from their home. All type of advertisers can easily reach a huge demographic when they choose to advertise on television during a televised broadcast of a college football game.

College Football and Television Advertisements by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes