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Sales of Healthier Offerings are Slumping as Indulgent Brands Outperform

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The more creamy ice-creams with add-ons are in full sale all over the country, in spite of warnings about the bad effects of fatty contents. Generally people prefer ice-creams in various shapes and flavors, not minding about the effects. In spite of official warning about the health problems, leading companies are manufacturing ice-creams with attractive flavors and shapes to attract the people, even though the competition is high among them. The companies are claiming that people prefer low fat content ones, but when it comes down to it, are not mindful of the calorie contents.

Read the original article here:
Consumers Scream for Full-Fat Ice Cream

Sales of Healthier Offerings are Slumping as Indulgent Brands Outperform by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes