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Industrial Sales Down? Then You Need To Tap Into The Power Of Co-Op Advertising

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By Conrad Bailey

Stressed out from low sales on the Internet? Can’t believe the rising cost of online marketing such as search engine optimization or pay-per-click?  Is this is a problem you’re facing, one solution is Co-op advertising.

Co-op advertising is a mutual promotional arrangement between two or more non-competitive companies that share the same target market. For example, a manufacturer of bearings may develop a cooperative advertising relationship with an re-builder of engines. Or perhaps, a distributor of first aid supplies may engage in co-op advertising with a plant safety management firm. Both companies benefit from the exposure while cutting advertising expenses.

Previously, most co-op advertising relationships were between manufacturers and their distributors or the retailers that sell their products. Which usually consisted of running ads in newspapers or magazines read by their target audience. However, ever since the Web came along, there has been all kinds of co-op arrangements between companies in just about every industry.

The Perfect Co-Op Partnership

Manufacturers and distributors of industrial products share the same end user – industrial and technical buyers such as engineers, construction companies, manufacturing facilities, foundries, and other buyers of industrial supplies, equipment and machinery. Therefore, with such a vast target market, manufacturers and suppliers of industrial goods or services make the perfect co-op partnership.

Finding co-op advertising partners is usually not that difficult. After all, cutting advertising expenses is something every company would like to do, so whether your a manufacturer or distributor, or perhaps an exporter or importer, you should have no problem finding cooperative advertising opportunities. You can start by looking at your own supply chain or the companies you are currently doing business with. These are often the easiest to arrange a co-op relationship with, especially if you’re a buyer, distributor or wholesaler of their products.

Web Sites Are Ideal For Co-op Advertising

Just about all kinds of media can be utilized for co-op advertising. For industrial suppliers, however, trade magazines is still the media of choice for running coop advertisements. But quickly closing in is the Internet, which many suppliers are finding to be the most effective source for developing co-op campaigns.

Obviously, the most popular form of co-op advertising on the Internet is simply trading banners or reciprocal linking. Yet, over the last couple of years. too many people, perhaps out of greed, have ruined which was once an extremely beneficial method of building traffic. In other words, the bulk mail offers (Spam) to exchange links. In result, more people are now shying away from exchanging links and instead focus more on internal, one way links.

But if you’re serious about finding valuable co-op advertising partners online, there still are literally unlimited opportunities available. Whether it’s trading or sharing the cost of a banner or logo, text link or display ad, the possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination.

By all means, when looking for co-op partners, think in terms of quality, not quantity. Don’t worry about page rank, that will come naturally. Just focus on developing fewer, but of higher quality co-op advertising or linking partners. Because it’s not how many co-op or banner exchanges you have developed. More importantly, it’s the value of those relationships that count. Just a handful of the right partners can dramatically increase your site’s Web presence.

Co-Op Advertising Using Adwords

I know of several companies in which Google Adwords has proven to be an extremely effective source for co-op advertising. Adwords is nearly perfect for developing, running and tracking coop ads. No other advertising system gives you the ability to access such a large audience so quickly and test your ads so easily. It’s practically designed for co-op advertising.

In fact, I can say with almost certainty, and you can quote me on this, that by the end of the year there will be noticeably more companies doing co-op advertising via Adwords. Especially if the bids for keywords continue to rise like they are, co-op advertising maybe the answer for a lot of manufacturers and suppliers of industrial products. Yes, Google Adwords.

For instance, the way Adwords is designed, it’s possible for companies to share the views of a landing page, so traffic is filtered equally between the partnering sites. Or maybe the landing page itself can display the advertising content of both companies for mutual exposure. You can even get creative and design the ad to promote both companies, or even use rotating ads.

Or if you want to get real creative, you and your coop partner can integrate your keywords and create a totally different ad that promotes both companies. Again, the possibilities are limited by creativity and your willingness to test different ideas.

Free Co-Op Industrial Advertising Network

If your company is a manufacturer or distributor of industrial products, I want to invite you to join the Free Co-Op Industrial Advertising Network. I’ve developed the network in association with, and it’s quickly becoming the most popular online co-op advertising network for manufacturers and suppliers of industrial products. International manufacturers and suppliers are welcome to join free-of-charge. You can get all the details at the website below.

About The Author :

Conrad Bailey is co-founder and vice president of, a Manufacturing Directory and author of the popular Co-Op Industrial Advertising Blog at:

Industrial Sales Down? Then You Need To Tap Into The Power Of Co-Op Advertising by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes