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On Hold Messaging | Your Secret Marketing Weapon

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Imagine a marketing medium where your company has direct one-to-one communication with customers and prospects who have chosen to contact your company; a medium that prevents competition from other media and messages; a medium that can turn a potentially negative customer experience into a positive one.

Such a marketing medium exists and it is as close as your telephone | indeed, it is your telephone!  On hold messaging is perhaps one of the least understood, least used, yet most effective marketing media. 

A Unique Medium
On hold messaging is unlike other marketing media in one basic way – the message you deliver to your on hold audience has no competition from other messages.  While they are on hold, potential customers are exclusively yours – they get only your message.  No other media, not the internet, broadcast or print, offers this opportunity. 

However, the unique benefits of on hold messaging do not stop there.  It is the only medium that, merely by using it, you will improve your audience’s experience with your company.  Studies indicate that, while on hold, callers can have a number of negative feelings, from confusion to frustration and anger. 

A message on hold let’s customers know they are still “connected.”  With the right messages, they can even feel informed or entertained, making their on hold experience a positive one.  An on hold message also makes the time spent on hold feel shorter, further improving the customer’s experience.

Achieve a Variety of Marketing Goals
A well planned on hold messaging program can help with just about any marketing initiative.
Entertain – simple music on hold will improve a caller’s on hold experience
Advertise – turn it up a notch and, while you entertain callers, promote your company, products or services
Provide Information | Give directions, ordering information and/or product research
Branding – A great way to reinforce your brand
Cross Sell or Up Sell – An excellent opportunity while they are on hold
Target Marketing – You can deliver different messages, depending on the purpose of the call – one message for a customer service call, another for a technical support call.  
On hold messaging is truly a unique marketing opportunity and your company should take advantage.  However, it is important to find a professional marketing company dedicated to on hold messaging to make sure your customers get the right message. Marketing specializes in developing customized and targeted programs to improve your marketing results.

On Hold Messaging | Your Secret Marketing Weapon by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes