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Patent Agent Job Search

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What will your job be?

Patent agents are attorneys specialized in representing clients to get hold of their patents and advising and taking actions on all matters and issues related to the patent laws. Working as a agent, you will advise your clients on technical, legal and practical issues of patents, patented trademarks, copyrights etc. You will handle the transactions that take place while getting or applying some property rights. One of the major tasks in patent agent jobs is to protect the clients against acquisitions as well. You can work in a firm or even be hired by industries and companies as their need be.


For success in patent agent careers you should have scientific or technical or technological background. Your high school subjects should be biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, other sciences and logics. This will give you a sound idea about scientific and technological aspects that are basic necessity in patent agent employment.

You should be able to improve and use your legal skills like drafting and writing affluently and efficiently. The power to analyse problems and logically for a reasonable argument and sort out practical solutions logically is the back bone of such a job. Excellent communicative skills are a must for patent agent careers. You must be used to legal processes and should be knowledgeable legally as well as scientifically for success in this job.

How to Approach

If you are looking for patent agent jobs, you must take and pass the USPTO – United States Patent and Trademark Office. The job of both patent attorneys and agents and their qualifications are same.

You can look for patent attorney jobs as well on your patent agent jobs search. The USPTO exam is generally called the Patent Bar and it basically tests your knowledge of laws in patent industry and the policies and systems of USPTO.

If you pass the exam successful, you will become a Patent attorney. For this, you will have to be already admitted to a state bar. If you are not admitted to the bar, but are engineer or a scientist and have legal knowledge, you will then become a patent Agent for you cannot advice or represent clients in court legally.

The job can be challenging if you are interested and curious with a scientific and legal bent of mind and like to reason and debate. You must be honest, loyal and have a good ethical and moral character.

Various ethics like nature and animal ethics are important to understand the job. California, New York, Texas and Delaware are prospective locations to look for patent agent employment and to go on a search.

Patent Agent Job Search by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes