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100K Salaries – Effective Tips on Making 100K a Year

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Most Effective Tip #1: Choosing Your Profession

One of the most important decisions that has the power to alter our life and career and subsequently out ambition is by the career chosen by us. It may be that good doctors and lawyers earn more than 100k per annum but if you do not have it in you, what it takes to be a doctor, sadly enough you won’t stretch it too far. You calling may be a different line of work where the 100k limit might appear puny in comparison what potential you have! Soon after the school ends, it is your decision to wisely take up your area of interest.

Most Effective Tip #2: Networking and Internet

The internet is more than just posting status updates and commenting on others pictures. The creator of the world’s largest social networking site is also one of the world’s wealthiest people – he created, the world played and he made money. He invented something so simple and something that was already present on the internet but a few years hence, it rocked the networking world.

Of late, we have realized the importance of networking – more than the networking that most of us are used to on social networking sites! Networking will help you know more people and extract the best from them!

Most Effective Tip #3: Working Smart and Simple

Working smart always helps and capitalizing on a simple idea is always more than effective. Simple ideas are the ones which generate the maximum response and in turn help generate more revenue. When in a high paying job like a 100k job, it is imperative that you as an employee help the organization rope in more business. It is no secret that the company will earn more through you than it will spend on you – therefore, it is actually you who decide your pay scale!

Most Effective Tip #4: Generating Business

Generating business will undoubtedly make our employers more interested in you – quite naturally, they will invest more time and money in your. And the result is not hard to guess – better salaries and closer to your high-paying-job dreams. People who have reached such levels are assets to an organization.

Most Effective Tip #5: People Management

The best people managers are the most treasured people in the industry. Be it business or politics, if you’re a good people manager, be sure of your success in the near future. Because in the end it is the people you serve with your work – directly or indirectly.

100K Salaries - Effective Tips on Making 100K a Year by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes