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Merck Memo Shows How Layoff Workers Without Using the Word ‘Layoff’

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Merck Memo Uses 12 Euphemisms Merck president Mark Timney recently sent his U.S. employees a memo which contains at least 12 different euphemisms for the company’s planned job cuts and layoffs in October, but doesn’t actually mention the words “jobs” or “layoffs.” Merck should be praised for talking openly about the fact that it needs to reduce its workforce by 13,000.Rather than waffling about the need for unchanged change, the entirety of the memo could have been reduced to a couple of sentences if Timney had written them in plain English.

Read the original article here:
A Layoff By Any Other Name: Merck Memo Uses 12 Euphemisms for Job Cuts

Merck Memo Shows How Layoff Workers Without Using the Word 'Layoff' by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes