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Thank You, Holly Mann For ‘No Thank You, Rich Jerk’

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In my skeptical search for the legitimate methods to Making Money Online and Internet Businesses, I stumbled across Holly Manns, Honest Riches. I had come across “The Rich Jerk” many times and when I first saw the page for her eBook, and saw “Thank You, Rich Jerk, I first thought, ‘hmmm… they must be partners. Or maybe they’re married, making a ton of money and they want me to believe I can too’.

Then I started reading and I will tell you what attracted me to this book. It wasn’t just her picture; her age; her life experiences; all of which gave me the feeling of absolute sincerity. I liked that she was self-taught and self-motivated and self-respecting.

I also like the price of the eBook and I liked that she felt other eBooks are costing people too much money. (I spent hundreds in the first month; and that was while in my research stage). So, I bought the book; read it cover-to-cover, and I was so excited. I felt very encouraged and I knew I could do this thing called ‘Affiliate Marketing. The next day, I got back into my research and set the book aside.

I bought another book… and another. The next thing I know, I am so wound up mentally that I don’t know what I am supposed to be doing. I have to figure this out, and figure that out. How do I do this? How do I do that? Then there’s Keywords and Ads and Articles and Blogs and Backlinks and PPC and Google and Newsletters and on and on and on… I spent hours and hours everyday going round and round in circles on the internet trying to figure these things out. Before I knew my mind was going in so many directions I couldn’t think straight.

And then I spot it; there on my desk. The skinny little binder holding my Honest Riches eBook. Its then I remember the excitement I felt when I read it and how I knew I could do this thing. I got so caught up in the frenzy that I wasn’t taking any action. So I went back to the beginning; back to the ‘Breakthrough Money Making Secrets Revealed’. (I was sitting on the ‘motherload’ and still looking for a goldmine.)

I think most of us begin looking for ways to make money online because of our life circumstances and we just know in our hearts that something’s gotta give. For me, I was out of a job, flat broke and out of options. I have to admit I was drawn to the hype that is out there. There’s a lot of flash and color and promise. Have you ever seen so many red exclamation points? So, yes I was drawn, but am I really attracted?

If you are like me, you are attracted to the truth and you embrace humility. The truth is: Internet Businesses Make Money Online. There are a myriad of ways to do this that wont cost a small fortune to get going and many that don’t cost a dime. This is what Holly Mann stresses in her eBook and I am on my way with Honest Riches.

Thank You, Holly Mann For 'No Thank You, Rich Jerk' by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes