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Irresistible Event Registrations: How To Overcome Objections About Value

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Your Title is Key

Grab them at “hello” by starting with an event title that captures the key benefit of attending… “Eliminate 80% of Registration Hassles with Online Registration.” If you get their excitement flowing right away, they will seek out reasons to support that feeling instead of being skeptical as they read on.

“How others have benefited from attending this event:”

Testimonials are a great way to give credibility to the benefits of your program. Collect and publish testimonials from past attendees about what they gained from attending your event. Create a section in your event summary titled “How others have benefited from attending this event:” You can make it easy for past attendees to share their thoughts by calling or emailing them and asking “What did you get out of this event?” When they respond, ask if it is ok to share it with others.

“Don’t take our word for it, talk to past attendees…”

Take your testimonials one step further by offering to provide names and phone numbers of past attendees. When someone provides you with a stellar testimonial, ask them if they would be willing to share their experience with others, and if it’s ok to share their email address or phone number. Having references shows confidence to your prospects and enables your happy attendees to do the selling for you.

“What you will miss by not attending?”

One of the most powerful motivators for people is to tell them what they will gain from attending or what they will miss if they don’t attend your event. These lists work so well because it tells your prospects that you understand their pain and have knowledge that could make their situation easier.

This is an example from a management seminar…

What you will miss by not attending:

* Knowing what do when your employee is preoccupied or distant
* No longer feeling like an outsider with your co-workers
* No longer feeling trapped between needing to report to your boss and not wanting to micro-manage
* Understanding alternatives to letting someone go
* Knowing how to reduce anxiety related to rumors

“No question goes unanswered.”

Eliminate any remaining doubts your prospects may have about value by telling them that they will get ALL their questions answered. Mention that you will follow up after the program is over to answer any unanswered questions.

Irresistible Event Registrations: How To Overcome Objections About Value by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes