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Getting Jobs that pay $100000 a Year

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Let us consider some of the aspects looked for in personnel that would make him seem to be qualified for work that pays 100K. Such requirements are mentioned below:

  • High educational qualification
  • Recommendable amount or years experience in that field of work
  • Impressive work profile
  • Ability to work very hard
  • Creativity- novelty as well as usefulness
  • Perseverance
  • Achievement motivation
  • Competency etc.

To get a job in the high profile positions, you need to build networks of contacts within the office and outside. These job vacancies are much coveted and are not often posted on any site of employment opportunities.

A resume prepared in an impeccably perfect manner is very important. And posting them at the right place at the right time in a correct manner and doing the follow-ups, are all very important aspects of getting 100K jobs.

You could first make a list of all the jobs that pay $100000 a year. List out your top preferences of the field where you want to work. Then re-list it to the exact field you want to follow, in which you are most interested in. Then make a list of the companies and the posts that are allowing you a 100K work.

Now assess your resources. First evaluate your innate capabilities and then evaluate whether you have the educational qualification, experience and training that the job demands. In case you don’t, there is no need to shatter all your hopes. There still is a remedy. Make a long term goal. If not in a year but in 3-5 years time, you’ll bag a job of that stature. But how?

You can go back to college. There are many online courses that could be relevant to the job. Take up those courses only which are in consistence with the kind of job you are looking for. You could take the classes online at your own convenient time and gradually get the degree for your future job while doing the current one.

In case you need funding for your course, you could ask your company whether they have a provision for funding employees who are taking courses in a relevant field. Again there are government grants for such courses that never need to be paid back. You could apply for that too.

If you want high profile jobs that pay 100K then you cannot wait for the opportunity to knock on your door. You have to take a firm step forward to make it happen. Remembering that working in 100K jobs can be strenuous is also important.

Getting Jobs that pay $100000 a Year by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes