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Post Your Resume – Q & A about Resume posting

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The steps:

  • The first step is to update the format of your resume so that you can post it online. You have to write your resume in an only text document. Keep some words and phrases that will grab the attention of employers when they are searching for candidates.
  • Making your resume too long is not going to be of much help. So if you think it is too long make it short by customizing it specifically for the type of job you are applying for. So in turn you are customizing your resume for some specific employer without even knowing who the employer is.
  • Submitting a cover letter along with your resume is a good option. Make sure that you write it out in such a way that it makes sense to the employer.
  • You should keep your focus on the various job boards. The various job boards being monster, yahoo, hot jobs, career builder etc.
  • Several such job boards exist which are specific to a particular industry. If you come across some of them, it is best to post your resume in some of these. There are smaller, greener boards which are equally good to serve the purpose. Many potential employers think that it is a waste of money to pay for big job boards. So they choose to pay for smaller boards instead of bigger ones. But nevertheless, you might end up getting a job! In fact, try to post your resume in as many job boards as possible. This will increase your exposure.
  • You may also come across job sites which allow you to put up your photo or videos or both along with your resume. There are job sites which may forward your resume to companies in and around your preferred location.
  • You will come across some job sites which they have a resume builder or a paste your resume facility. You need to fill up a resume builders section with the information that is called for. Keep in mind the following:
    1. Mention the names or the names of the company for which you have worked.
    2. Give information about when you started working for the company and when you stopped working. Mention the dates.
    3. What were the job responsibilities that you had?
    4. Mention the significant things that you achieved.
  • Some job boards offer advantage of free tools. Reap the benefits of these free tools while you are posting your resume on these sites. These are automatic search engines that help you sort out the exact type of jobs that you are looking for. Thus, this is a much more effective way of looking for jobs.
Post Your Resume - Q & A about Resume posting by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes