Career Advice

A Career in Dental Hygiene Rarely Requires a Degree

A smile reaches a mile. But what may be less known is that the people working behind those beautiful smiles may also be smiling all the way. According to BLS statistics, only around 33% of Dental Hygienists have college degrees, but there is a 30% predicted job growth through 2016. With a median salary close to $63, 000 the job of a Dental Hygienist has a better salary, better growth, and lesser qualification requirements than most jobs. In 2008, even within high economic recession, MSNBC had included the career of a Dental Hygienist within the 20 fastest growing jobs in America.

Careers in Food Industries That Do not Require a Degree

If you have been unable to study through or beyond high school, a career in the food industries might be just the thing you need. And having some sort of a degree or specialized diploma in line with your career of choice can provide you the job security and progress you always wanted. If you like food, which most of us do, there's nothing better than the food industries which has held steady even throughout the recession. Food being one of the basic necessities of humankind, a career in food preparation and allied fields has a measure of stability provided by few other industries.

Direct Sales Career – 7 Steps to Working in Direct Sales

Have you ever thought about a career in sales? There are different kinds of things that you need to do in this field. A career in sales has become quite popular these days. Lots of people are trying their best to enter into this field. This field not only provides a lot of opportunities but the salaries are also quite high. This is the reason why people are showing so much interest in this field.

A Career as a C Programmer

The IT industry offers various kinds of employment opportunities for the people in various section of the industry. Most of the jobs in the IT sector are highly paid which is why more and more youngsters find the IT industry as their prospective work place.

A Dream Career in Logistics

Logistics means the planning of business framework for managing materials and services as well as information to facilitate smooth working of the manufacturing activities of a company. It involves a network of coordination from the raw materials to the sale of the finished products to the consumers. In simpler words, logistics deals in the movement of every required activity from one place to another for the accomplishments of the company’s desired activities from raw materials to sale.

Insurance Career Opportunities

If you are considering a lucrative career in finance, insurance may be one of the great options to look at. According to statistics, insurance is a trillion dollar industry and employment opportunities in this industry are said to be increasing. With the bulk of people who get insurance policies each day as well as the claims received every single day, insurance employment is often in demand to support the needs of the clients.