Career Advice

Careers in PR

If you are interested in PR work then you can rejoice because the experts claim that careers in PR will see an upward curve for many years to come. Those who have the required expertise in the field, PR careers can be extremely beneficial, taking into account the kind of opportunities that are available in this sector.

Working in Capitol Hill in Washington DC – Opportunity and Scope for pursuing a great career

When it comes to a career opportunity the scope for a wonderful career is excellent in Capitol Hill in Washington DC. There are array of jobs in Capitol Hill that you can choose from to build a successful career for yourself. Amongst the different Washington DC jobs, the jobs in Public Affairs are perceived as one of the most sought after job by aspiring youngsters. You can pursue a career in the Public Affairs sectors as a Writer, press secretary, Communications Associate and so on and so forth.

How Self Awareness Helps You Attain Greater Career Success

What is your level of success of your career? It may be difficult to achieve the promotion or an increase to a certain level of compensation. Perhaps an outstanding performance review or prestige of your manager defines success for you. Whatever your definition may be, we can achieve greater career success, and self-awareness is crucial to help them get there.

Strategies for a Successful Career Networking

Some of the best places not listed anywhere but are filled by word-of-mouth or networking. Networks are a broad list of contacts, and use them in your favor when you apply for a job. There are many opportunities for career networking every day. It is done at parties, dinners, events, meeting occasions, birthdays, volunteer activities, ceremonies, and on-line through social media. This happens in the gym, shop and garage. To speak with someone, and everyone, including those new to old industries and professionals, schools and overseas. All the matter.

100K Careers – How to Succeed in a 100K Job

Landing a 6 figure job is everyone’s dream. Everyone has dreamt of getting landed in a job that will give them enough prosperity as well as enough wealth to boast of. But the first and the foremost aim of every person is to make that 100K job a success, to make it better than the list of 5 figure jobs that he have had worked before or is not interested to work in any more due to some reason or the other. A good start is the one everyone looks forward to. As it is said, if the fruits are well sown, the harvest is always good! So there are some means which can provide you success in 100K job opportunities.

Using Job Fairs To Decide On A Career Path

Making up your mind as to what you want to do in life is so difficult. Especially today, given the myriad options, with each profession looking better than the other. And you're not too sure what exactly it is you want to pursue. Enter the wonderful world of job fairs. Walk in and you'll see a vista of opportunities light up before your eyes, options even within professions. You can talk to people from various companies, find recruiters who will tell you what they are looking...

Using Online Job Sites in Your Career Search

Whether you are a graduate just beginning your career hunt, or a seasoned professional changing employers, using the Internet is the ultimate way to start your job hunt. Using online job sites offers certain advantages such as easy search, and access to thousands of jobs. However, knowing how to use the job boards to your advantage will save you time and tons of unwanted email!

Virtual Careers / Self-Employment – Self-Assess Or Self-Destruct

Unfortunately, high hopes and large amounts of time, energy and commitment -- valuable though they may be -- do not ensure the success of an entrepreneurial venture. In fact, research indicates that about 60 percent of all businesses fail within the first two years. Much depends on the individual's "entrepreneurial profile," and one of the best ways to discover this is by doing a self-assessment. Over the years, working with some 4,000 Virtual Assistants and Virtual Profes...