Business Trends

Sorry, But I’m Throwing Away Your Business Card

Hey, there’s a business card on my desk… better follow up on it. Hmmm, should I address you as Sir or Ma’am? I see from the card that your name is Pat Smith. But is that Patricia or Patrick? I’m afraid I don’t know how to ask for you, and I’d really hate to look foolish and ask for “Ms." Pat Smith if it’s supposed to be “Mr." Pat Smith… and I don’t see any kind of photo on your business card, which would help. Bet you expected me to remember you, didn’t you? I know, ...

Does Your Small Business Need A Web Site? (Part 1)

You are a small business owner. You use the internet both in your business and personally. Obviously you know there are many, many web sites out there. More then likely, you've even made purchases through someone else's web site. Perhaps it is apparent that you could be doing the same thing with your own business. Certainly, extra e-commerce sales could only help your bottom line. But does your business really need a web site? In deciding that, consider what a web site rea...

The Basics Of Franchising A Business

A study of the most successful businesses in town will show that these are franchised businesses. It means the business has been market tested, developed and handed to the owners or franchise holders in a silver platter. Franchising is a business concept and strategy that has been practiced by basically all the successful businessmen in the world. What separates these businessmen from the ordinary mortals is the way they can recognize a product that will be a hit with the ...

Handling the Purchase of a Business Phone System

Purchasing a business phone system is not an easy endeavor, but with the right mind set and a little knowledge about business telephones, you can find a viable, budget friendly solution to your business' communication needs. One of the first decisions you will need to make is whether or not to go with a key system or a Private Branch Exchange (PBX) system. Depending on how many individual stations you need and how rapidly you expect your company to grow, one of these two options should fit the bill.