Business Trends

Be Proactive in Business and in Your Job Search

The gloomy estimates you've heard about business failures are not exaggerated. As many as half of all small businesses launched in the United States this year will not be around by the end of next year. These businesses will remain as little more than painful memories in the minds of the people who launched them. The big question is why do so many businesses fail? Is it because of lack of venture capital? Bad location? Inexperienced ownership or management? Simple miscalculation of market demand?

Unemployment and the Small Business Jobs Act

The Small Business Jobs Act is set to pass the House after having passed the Senate. There are some unprecedented benefits and tax cuts for small businesses and start-up companies that are hard to ignore. The focus of the Small Business Jobs Act is more on increasing entrepreneurship and making things easy for small business owners. There is no doubt that it will lead to increase in self-employment or attempts at self-employment, for the benefits of going into small business right now are many.

How To Hire Like The Fortune 500’s: A Guide For Small Businesses

A recent iLogos Research study revealed 94% of Fortune 500 companies now hire employees online, a stark contrast from 1998, when only 29% of them were doing the same. If you own or manage a small business, that means the vast majority of your fiercest competitors are now spending less time and less effort on recruitment. And that leaves them with more time to, simply put, get a leg up on you. Sure, it sounds like a threat. But isn’t lack of technology an inevitable drawbac...

Holistic Home Business Ideas

Sometimes it might just happen that you can't go out and start a business because of your housework or your family and so on. But that doesn’t mean that you won't work at all, you won't do any sort of business at all. There are various home business ideas which are going to keep you as busy as you would be in a normal business. There are various paths which lead to home business and various things you could do. If you use the holistic business ideas you will find that the start up cost is less and that there isn't a big overhead cost either.

Advertising Sales Jobs- A New Era of Business

With employment opportunities hard to come by, one sector one could turn to is advertising sales jobs. Previously some of the best ways to get into advertising was through college but with the advent of the internet age, this sector has undergone a redefinition. One can learn online, through different online courses, by just looking at various media and information posted by marketers on different networking sites, forums, blogs etc.

Keys to Business Etiquette

Etiquette is presenting yourself in such a manner that urges people to take you seriously. Etiquette also means to be comfortable among the people and also make them feel comfortable around you. The key factor behind a business to be successful is the employees, customers and/or the trading partner. So etiquette always plays an important role for the success of an organization.

How to Succeed in Business Strategies and Negotiation

Negotiating is an important part of any business. It had better be handled by professionals for your business. That is necessary in order to cut the right deals in negotiation. This profession is a trade all its own. There is a theory to it which needs to be understood by the professionals handling this end of the business. Have you ever heard of a concept known as the Pareto Optimal?