
Give People What They Want

Lately I have been hearing more and more people say that there are no jobs. I hear this so much it is beginning to make me a bit angry. There may not be the same number of jobs that there were two years ago; however, there are still jobs.

How to Build Your Self-Esteem; Secrets of Self-Confident People

''I don't get it. Why is my boss leading my organization when there are much smarter people under him?'' a seminar participant asked recently. It was obvious to all of us that she was frustrated. Since I didn't know her boss, I couldn't really answer, but if her boss is like many managers I've known, the answer is simple — self-confidence.

What Marketing Can Do For You

Over the years, I've had dealings with some business owners who have a rather skewed perception of marketing. They think you throw a few ads out there, get a couple of press releases printed and voila! You’re a big success. Oh, if it only were that easy. (Although if it were, I probably wouldn’t have a job.) So realistically, what marketing can do for you? Read on.

Thank You, Holly Mann For ‘No Thank You, Rich Jerk’

In my skeptical search for the legitimate methods to Making Money Online and Internet Businesses, I stumbled across Holly Manns, Honest Riches. I had come across “The Rich Jerk” many times and when I first saw the page for her eBook, and saw “Thank You, Rich Jerk, I first thought, ‘hmmm… they must be partners. Or maybe they’re married, making a ton of money and they want me to believe I can too’. Then I started reading and I will tell you what attracted me to this book. It...