
Public Relations Recruiter

Every company must have a public relations (PR) department. Irrespective of what business the company has, it always has PR department(s), because in the end, it is the customer who is the king. It is essential to maintain good relation with the public which is its main revenue area.

How to Make a Modern CV Resume

The requirements of the corporate sector have changed and so has the art of designing a resume. This goes without saying that the conventional style of designing a resume does not work always. Multiple styles of resumes have sprouted all over the place in the last few years and they have takers too.

Becoming a Disability Advocate

You might be aware of the profession of the disability lawyers. These people help you to get results from the claim that arises due to disability. There are lots of people who want to practice in this field of law. The choice of a career in law can very from person to person.

How to Recession Proof Your Income so you don’t have to worry again

We have all faced huge difficulties during the past recessions. So is there a way you can protect your income from the recession? Well, thankfully there is a way. Recessions hit everyone hard. Your income state is bound to get haywire when they do. So one way to ensure that you aren't affected as badly as some of the rest is that you maintain a high percentage of savings.

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Senior Accounting Analyst?

Not for nothing does the fat pay check come in at the end of each month, for a senior accounting analyst. The position of a senior accounting analyst is an extremely responsible one and if you don't tread carefully, you might just land up in a whole lot of trouble, if you hold this position. A senior accounting analyst draws anywhere between $50,000 and $90000 in a year. And if you're good, then your salary might just be higher!

Selling Medical Products

Medical products sales representative job is quite a competitive and interesting job. Those you like to meet people and travel may find this job to their likings. If you thought that you will have to be surrounded with medicines 24x7 (that appears to be claustrophobic!) - You're a little off-track. You need to know the medical product well which you’re selling. Remember that if you sell to the doctors - you might have to read a bit more because a doctor knows all the combination of various chemicals!