
Expert Interviewing Tips – Part 1

The interview:

An interview is a meeting (generally for the first time) between the recruiter and you. It can either be a formal meeting with a panel of interviewers which involves serious discussions in an office, or a causal conversation, may be over a dinner. Whichever is the manner of interview, you need to understand the fact that getting selected for it basically indicates that the potential employer has some interest in you and that you need to pick up from here and make sure that this interest develops into a confirmation that you are 'the' candidate whom they wish to hire.

Advertiser – 7 Steps to Seeking an Advertiser

There are several steps to seek an advertiser effectively if you are looking for a career in advertising. An advertising job encompasses many aspects of promotion of a product or service. If you are seeking out an advertiser, you have to follow 7 simple steps. It is easy these days with too many resources, but finding the right place and the company can mean loads for your future with an advertiser.

Asking for a Raise

Like many, you're feeling overworked, and underpaid. At this point, you may consider asking for a pay raise. But, before you march into your boss' office, demanding a larger salary, read on.

Gravitate Towards People and Organizations that Appear to Have Good Luck

I have spent a large portion of my life finding jobs for people. In this career I have gradually come to realize that there are some people and organizations out there who simply have what I would call bad luck. Something seems to go wrong with everything these people or organizations get involved in. Others appear to have good luck-everything they touch seemingly turns to gold.

Advertising Manager – Myths about Advertising Manager Employment Opportunities

The position of an advertising manager sounds very attractive, but before images of big pay packets and loads of freebies start developing, pause and think. There are many myths about the job and all is not hunky dory with a top drawer job in advertising. You could be an online advertising manager or an advertising project manager, but the challenges are immense and it is difficult to succeed in these days of cut throat competition.

Resume Blast – Tips on Blasting Your Resume to Thousands of Employers

A resume blast is the only way you can expect to get a job in these tough times after the economy has taken a hit. Job applicants coast to coast focus on the best resume blast service to enhance their chances of being called up by prospective employers. Applicants who are able to send in cutting edge resumes stand a higher chance of being hired. You need to know some tips for blasting your resume so that it can reach millions of employers with one go.

Post Resume On line – Myths about Online Resume Posting

To post resume online, you should realize that everything said and done, there are a lot of myths about getting a job on the internet. Many job hunters have not been able to find a suitable job despite having posted their resumes inline. Your resume should carry some weight to be able to be in the reckoning when employers choose to seek out the right person from among a host of applicants.

Resume Blaster – 10 Surefire Ways to Blast Your Resume

Without a resume blaster, you cannot really toss your resume to get maximum exposure in the employment market. There are endless worries as the present job market is not the same as before. But with a well prepared resume, you can easily blast your way into the job market. If you follow the 10 surefire tips, you can get your dream job quickly.

The Care And Feeding Of Referrals

When someone joins a program under you, what’s the first thing you should do? I can tell you that the wrong answer is “Try to Sell Him or Her Something.” That’s the best way to lose an associate. All people want respect and pouncing on referrals in this way is bound to raise hackles. Instead, welcome the person to the program. If the site is a little complicated in some way, explain where members usually find rough spots. You can learn these issues by reading the FAQs beca...