
King C. Gillette: Inventor, Marketer, and Strategist

King C. Gillette: Inventor, Marketer, and Strategist

In this article, Amit Agarwal narrates King C. Gillette's journey toward success. Gillette, a traveling salesman, revolutionalized the men's shaving industry. Although technical experts discouraged his idea in the beginning, Gillette never lost hope. The salesman eventually became a successful inventor! He replaced the dangerous 'cut-throat razors' with the 'double-edged safety razors.' In fact, Gillette's business concepts find great relevance in today's marketing techniques.

Happy Meals and Bonuses

In 1979, when McDonald's introduced the Happy Meal, I, along with every other kid, was excited to go to McDonald’s all of a sudden. I was nine years old back then and the McDonald's on Jefferson Avenue in Detroit, which had formerly been an ''ok'' place to go for French fries suddenly became the place–somewhere I wanted to go. It had very little to do with the food. I was most interested in the prize that would be in the Happy Meal, specifically.

Workplace Stress and the Human Resources Professional

The careers of human resources professionals are hardly happy-go-lucky. For one thing, non-HR employees often view human resources professionals as little more than gatekeepers, the people you meet only during entry to and exit from an organization. Human resources professionals are thus often viewed as people who make contributions that cannot be measured and are therefore of highly questionable utility. Managers hailing from non-HR backgrounds can also carry this negative perception about human resources functions, and will often take it with them to strategy tables. People impressed by numbers find it hard to favor the human resources department because most contributions of the human resources department cannot be quantified.

Resume Posting Websites – Top 10 Resume Posting Websites

There are many resume posting websites where you can pitch your resume for prospective employers to check out. Your primary aim would be to target your resume to as many employers as possible. There are several job search websites where your resume can be posted and in some websites you can also post it for free. Your best bet would be to look for reputable and effective CV posting websites to get your dream job.

Virtual Assistants – Learn More VA Skills and Produce More Profits

Being a Virtual Assistant (VA) can be a rewarding and enjoyable business to be in, particularly if you already have basic administrative skills. But only knowing the very basic skills limits what services you offer to clients and also restricts your income growth. This is where acquiring new and more advanced skills will come in handy.

The Marketing Operations Manager – Setting Things Right!

Any business out there selling a product or service needs to spend on marketing. Marketing investments are a major part of any business, and they are sharply increasing as the number of marketing channels continues to grow, providing marketers with newer, better, and more efficient avenues through which to reach their target audiences.

The Importance of Sharing

The most happy and successful people in the world are masters of sharing. The most unhappy and consistently challenged people, both emotionally and financially, are poor at sharing. When you find people who are alone and miserable, in most cases they are also not the sharing kind. When you encounter people who persistently are unemployed, or have difficulties getting ahead in their jobs, most of these people too will have problems with sharing. In fact, wherever you go in the world and whomever you meet, as a general rule the people who do the best in their careers and lives are good at sharing.

Resumes without Covers

A resume is a document which markets your credentials and showcases your skills. It tells prospective employers what you have done and what you are capable of. Given this tremendous responsibility which the resume holds, it must be written with great care and attention. However, even if you dedicate a good amount of time to creating one and are successful in producing a highly effective resume, if the resume does not have a cover along with it, your efforts were futile.

5 Steps To Creating A 6-Figure While You Work At Home

Creating a steady income from home can be a daunting process. Being successful from home can often take more work than your regular 9 to 5. But, if you learn to break things down and follow a simple forumla, your home business can give you all the income and time freedom that you are seeking in a work from home business. My successful business formula involves 5 steps. I follow these same five steps with every person I come into contact with. Having a system not only makes...