
Classified Advertising in Local Markets

Even with the growth of online classifieds, newspaper classifieds are still the preferred method of advertising for many wishing to sell unwanted items. Most newspapers have a large local circulation and the chances of completing a sale through the newspaper greatly increase since the product can easily be obtained. Advertising in the newspaper classifieds and locating a buyer within your locality can very well be the key to a successful transaction.

Do You need a sexy company logo or would a stinker be more effective?

The debate over how much of a companys large reserves of spending power should be spent with greedy, oafish design agencies rages on and is not about to be resolved in this trite article, however we can suggest some alternatives to the usual company logo ideas and perhaps for once bad could be the new good...or something.

Wrongful Termination: 18 Things a Lawyer May Want to See When You Meet

Wrongful termination occurs when you are fired in a way that violates public policy and may include situations where you were forced to resign (called constructive discharge). Having copies of documentation for your lawyer to review will help him or her determine if you have been the victim of wrongful termination.

Your Passport To The World – Teaching English Abroad

Teaching English in a foreign country can be an incredible challenge... and it can also be one of the most fulfilling experiences you'll ever have. Living abroad, absorbing the culture of another people, and using your native English knowledge to enlighten your students are all wonderful aspects of this rewarding career. But before you take the plunge and sign up for a job overseas, there are a few things you should consider about yourself and your intended path. Keep in m...