
Changing Web Marketing Scenario

Search engine optimization in old days was just meant to propel the website in top of search engine listings. In these changing times it is the customer who decides what he wants rather than companies deciding what to give him. Hence, SEO done the old way might get you visitors but not the targeted conversions. This article discusses a few points which should be followed while doing not only SEO but any kind of web marketing.

Anarchy as an Organizing Principle

The recent spate of accounting fraud scandals signals the end of an era. Disillusionment and disenchantment with American capitalism may yet lead to a tectonic ideological shift from laissez faire and self regulation to state intervention and regulation. This would be the reversal of a trend dating back to Thatcher in Britain and Reagan in the USA. It would also cast some fundamental - and way more ancient - tenets of free-marketry in grave doubt.