
Harvard Drug Research Fraud and Cover-up: How Off-Label Profiteering Works

Drug company money influences and corrupts research. That is a given. What is less understood is why drug manufacturers spend billions for research on off-label uses for their products - uses that were never cleared with the FDA when the drug was submitted for approval. Off-label use allows drug companies to get "through the back door" what they could never, and I mean never, get away with by going directly to the FDA for approval for a new use of a product - what is known today as an off-label use. You would hope that researchers wouldn't corrupt the commercial experimentation of a new, or off-label, use of a drug to treat children by covering up their consulting fees from Big Pharma. But that's what happened.

3 Ways To Become A Media Bimbo

Bimboism is rampant in today's media climate where those who do get their fifteen minutes of fame squander it with empty words and idiotic antics. Think about how much of YOUR time is wasted when you watch TV, listen to the radio or read newspapers or magazines. How long do you stay with a story if it's not pertinent to your interests or if the interviewee is dull? With so much competition for your attention it's easy to move on to the next best thing. If you don't want t...

What To Do Before Handing Out Survey Forms

It doesn't matter if you have hundred of thousands of employees, or just three, employee surveys are still necessary to ensure a smooth running organization. However, conducting surveys is more than just handing out forms and getting your employees to answer. To ensure the accuracy of survey data, you, as an employer must observe proper guidelines. First, be clear about the goals of the employee surveys. Are the surveys to be utilized as gauges for salary increase or for a...