
Whatever You Do, Don’t Quit Your Job!

The world today is based on work. You work for someone else. You work for yourself. You own your own business and you work at that. You own someone else's business, and they work for you. You're a mover and a shaker, and people everywhere work because of you and your influence. Work work work work work! Do you like to work? Do you enjoy commuting every single day, wasting hours and hours of your life behind the wheel? Do you love your boss? Do your co-workers inspire yo...

Working At Home: What Options Are Available?

If you've just begun your work-at-home search, you are likely feeling confused and overwhelmed by all the options out there. How do you know what's legitimate? How do you avoid the scams? Are there really jobs you can do from home? Yes! So many people are happily working from home, and you can too. You just have to know where to look. This article will explain the types of work you can do at home, which basically fall into four categories: Working for an Employer - (Thi...

How to win new graphic design clients and keep old ones coming back

Everybody likes to see big fat pay cheques coming in, hell some of us even deserve them from time to time but what makes a client keep handing over the readies over and over again and how can you as a lowly graphic designer among a sea of equally unidentifiable no-marks hope to secure new graphic design or website design contracts? Best read on my friends as we give you the insider knowledge to equip you in this never ending rat race to swindle your fellow man