
Advertising On Celebrity Fan Sites

Online advertising isn’t quite the same as advertising anywhere else. On the web, ads are everywhere. In fact it is safe to say that the Internet is one gigantic billboard. Online advertising also differs from regular advertising in that glitzy, gimmicky logos or images or even taglines don’t cut it. Usually, the people who use the Internet are looking for specific items of information and just tune out the various gimmicks that companies use for their commercials. This...

Banner Stand Exhibits

Banner Stands are a high impact, inexpensive and attractive medium of advertisement. They are usually found at exhibitions, trade shows, retail stores – just about anywhere the potential customer can be attracted by high wattage graphics.

Be a Rich Jerk!

A few days ago, I heard about this fellow who had sold a web site and business on eBay for a fabulous sum of money. He calls himself the Rich Jerk.

How To Make Money With Contextual Advertising

Introduction to Contextual Advertising Recently, advertisers have come to realize the large potential of the Internet as a media when it comes to advertisements. Advertisers are especially interested in using contextual advertising since it delivers targeted ads to a more receptive target audience. Contextual advertising is a type of online advertising used mostly for content-based websites. With contextual advertising a program or system automatically scans a webpage’s...

How To Print A Digitally Image

If you like taking pictures, downloading and editing it, you also probably want to save them and sooner or later print them. You can do it by simply saving your images onto your personal computer. For you to easily find your images, creating a specific folder is essential.