
A Right Media Mix Can Make the Difference

Branding your corporate identity in your products and services is actually a promise made to the customer, a promise that is based on your company’s reputation, the quality of your product, product experiences and so on. This article explores the vital factors one must keep in mind while developing the right media mix for promoting your products/services, particularly in the context of the exploding web world and the significant role played by interactive advertising agencies in this regard

Make Money Fast With No Investment-how Andrew Made $100,000 In 6 Months

Andrew Newberry is a distant family friend that knew about my business acumen. He knew how I had been in his position only 24 months previously and had heard about the new life I was leading with the wealth I had generated. I could hear the earnest desperation in his voice, when he asked me "how'd you do it Jack"? His question was open and sincere. In my eye's he was at a point where there was only one direction for his life to go...up. Andrew needed to make money fast. H...