
Don’t Read This Article – I Dare You!

See? It worked! The title said 'Don't Read This Article - I Dare You!', and here you are reading it anyway. Victory for me and my amazing psychic abilities? Hardly. Actually, this Maiden Voyage article of The Don't Chronicles has but one goal: to teach you the power of negative thinking! No, I don't mean that you should give up on your positive attitude. I mean that people don't like to be told "DON'T!" Think about it. Why did you read this article? Defiance? Curiosi...

Finding Offshore Customers for a Call Center Startup

Finding offshore customers for a call center startup is a difficult proposition. The real challenge, however, comes afterwards - delivering and meeting the expectations of those customers! First things first though - how to go about finding your initial customers? The first question that you need to ask yourself is why some organization should outsource work to you?

Do’s And Don’ts Of Emailing Press Releases From A Media Veteran

I'm a big believer in EMAILING press releases. Not only is email dirt cheap, email can often get you in front of editors a lot faster than regular mail or fax. Here's why. Media outlets like radio stations, TV stations, and newspapers get a TON of press releases. During my 20 years working in radio and TV, we got bag loads of mailed press releases every day. Probably 90 percent of them came from politicians and local college athletic programs. Their publicity people are...

Downline Builders: What Are They Good For? Absolutely Somethin’!

Do you belong to a downline builder? Do you even know what a downline builder is and if you do, do you know how they work? A downline builder carries a list of programs for you to join. The premise is that you will join listed programs and that your sponsor will get credit for you as a referral in all of the programs listed. Then, you will gather your own recruits and get credit for them as referrals in any of the programs they join under you and so on. Sometimes, down...