
Task Management Tools – The Difference Between Average And Successful People

Task management is the true challenge on the modern world we live in. Time is more precious than ever and the amount of tasks each of us has to cope with is almost endless. The only difference between successful and average people is their ability to manage their tasks effectively. This ability could be improved significantly by using task management software and other task management tools. Try the following recommended tools to improve your task management abilities: ...

Supply chain management 101

Answering the question of what Supply Chain Management is, is as simple as breaking down the phrase into its component parts. Supplies are those inputs that a company relies upon to produce the product that will ultimately reach its customers.

Successful Documentation Projects – Part 3 of 3 – ‘Writing’

So you understand your user documentation project and you’ve specced it out. Now you’re ready to write. Here’s some tips to help you on your way. This article isn’t about the actual writing itself; it’s about the things which go along with the writing. (For information on writing online help, see www.divinewrite.com/helpfulhelp.htm.)

Information Lifecycle Management: Mastering Complexity

The keystone to efficient information and repositing direction lies with a simple principle: information has a lifecycle and it should only be stored as long as compulsory by stage business and regulatory requirements. Nevertheless, the traditional methods of giving medication do not suffice for the complex relationships among structured and unstructured. New generations of solutions ar evolving to meet byplay leaders' inevitably piece reducing in operation(p) peril, meeti...

Benefits of Dry Ice Blasting

Dry ice blasting, which is fast replacing traditional cleaning methods particularly in automotive, aviation, power, plastics and other such industries, offer some unique benefits. For instance, it consumes much less time, is a more thorough cleaning process, cuts down possibilities of damaging the equipment to almost nil and so on. Read on to find out why dry ice blasting is becoming the choice of a cross-section of industries.

Strategic Checklists

A checklist can be more than simply a list of things to do; it can strategically communicate to readers that you have carefully analyzed your message and that the content is well organized.

How To Make Mistakes

Promoting risk taking and eliminating fear of failure. It would be a mistake to try to avoid all mistakes. Indeed, it would be a colossal blunder to attempt doing things right the first time, every time. In todays light speed economy, ("new" economy and "old" economy) if you don't fall on your face both regularly and painfully, you are likely to end up dead instead. The only people not making mistakes are ones playing their game without risk and without novelty - and I mig...