
Fishy Salespeople? How to Finally Stop Handing Out FREE Fish to Your Sales People

Do you remember the good ole days when sales managers used to just sit back and wait for their salespeople to come into their offices and ask for help? Maybe they needed the old veteran to come in and nail down the close. Well, we all know you just can't do that any more. Sure, that would put a few more sales in the win column (in the short term). But in the long term what are you creating? Nothing but needy, dependent salespeople without an ounce of personal selling confidence. Show your sales people HOW to prospect, HOW to set appointments and HOW to close sales makes your job easier and everybody's paycheck fatter.

Enjoy Visiting Garage Sales

One of my all-time favorite ways to spend a Saturday morning is to visit garage sales, probably because I have so many great memories of going to garage sales with my mother and my grandmother. I remember waking up early and eating my breakfast as quickly as I could so that we could get out and explore the many garage sales that were held around our town during the spring and summer. Now that I have become an interior designer, I love visiting garage sales even more. I kno...

Did You Remember To Ask?

Remember what it was like when you were a child and you wanted something? What did you do? I am willing to wager that you simply asked for it. In fact if you wanted something bad enough, I would bet that you asked and asked and asked. In fact you may have even claimed it when you were asking. If you have children now, I would like you to notice what they do when they want something. They ask for it. Often they even get what they ask for.

How To Overcome Negative Thinking In Selling

Creative selling is an individual accomplishment. It embraces you and the power within you to think and create. These qualities and attributes are individual, and no one but you can develop them. Cut loose and free yourself from all negative thinking, from all petty restrictions and all pygmy notions and all corroded resistance. Negative thinking retards you and holds you back. Open up the channel to positive thinking, and let the creative power flow through. ...