
Brand Your Exhibition Stand For Maximum Impact

Rita Davenport had been given a free hand to design and manage an exhibition stand for her company. The Marketing Director had briefed her extensively on the overall idea and left her with an open brief to produce something that would attract customers, dealers and the trade press. Rita walked out of the meeting feeling inspired but not quite sure what to do next. Once you understand clearly what the sponsor needs the stand to achieve, you can go about the business of desi...

Part II – Marketing For Law Firms Via Attorney-Client Matching Services

What are these new attorney-client matching services? Who are the players? What do they cost? What is the risk to me? What is the return for me? What is the buzz on them? Are they ethical as marketing for law firms? Will they save me money and are they for me? Will they get me clients I would not have otherwise? The answers to these questions was begun in Part I which focused on the facts of this marketing for law firms vehicle. Part II, gives you "the rest of the story" per Paul Harvey.