
Workplace Discrimination And Harassment

Australian Federal and State legislation states unlawful discrimination occurs when a group of people, individuals are treated less favourably than any other person or group of people because of their ethnicity, race, colour, sex, marital status, age or disability, religion and sexual reference, whether your a member of a trade union and any other characteristic specified under anti-discrimination or human rights legislation. Workplace discrimination and harassment can occ...

Brand New. 10 Secret And Effective Marketing Strategies

Marketing is one of the most important business factors. From my experience, I have just listed 10 effective marketing strategies that have helped my marketing development, and hope will help your business,too. Here are 10 secret and effective marketing strategies. 1. Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic. Give people the option of adding the directory to their web site by linking to it. Put your business advertisement at the top of the director's home page. ...

Bonuses & Benefits – A Short Refresher

What's the difference between a "bonus" and a "benefit"? It's simple. A benefit is something that is a part of the product you are selling (or the service); and a bonus is the "more than my job's worth" EXTRA component that has actually nothing to do whatsoever with the product you are selling. Now, it is true that bonuses can have benefits; they SHOULD have benefits and you should tell people about those benefits, else it isn't a bonus and completely worthless, b...

Why You Should Use A Display Stand To Promote Your Products

Every company needs to promote its products and services in order to create awareness and make sales. No matter what type of product your business makes or what service you provide, you need to get out in the marketplace and reach your target audience. However you choose to do this, one of the most important promotional tools you can use is a display unit. From a simple carousel stand to a bespoke shelving system, display stands allow you to show your product in its best l...

Dear Affiliate Manager, 7 Ways To Tell If Your Affiliate Program Stinks

Question: Why aren’t my affiliates promoting my affiliate program? And, how do I get more to sign up? Dear Affiliate Manager: I can tell you in a heartbeat whether or not your affiliate program is attracting loyal, motivated affiliates. It’s easy. Just put yourself in your affiliate’s shoes. If you’re not creating loyalty in your affiliates, they’re going to look for a better program to promote, and you’ll be left in the dust. Now that I’ve got your attention, let’s...

Dear Affiliate Manager: Are You Hoarding Your Articles?

Question: My affiliates keep bugging me about my articles. Why do they want my articles and should I let them have them? What do I get out of it? Dear Affiliate Manager, You hit on my pet peeve. Stop hoarding your articles already! Do you want your affiliates to promote your program repeatedly to their lists and on their sites or don’t you? Isn’t the goal to get your website exposure all over the internet? The more sales your affiliates make – the more money you’ll BOTH m...