
Putting Professionalism back in Management Consulting

There has been a change in business change consulting. Professionals who did things their own way were replaced by inexperienced staff who faithfully followed a methodology to produce contract-satisfying deliverables. We need a new consulting model so that consultants can work in partnership with the enterprise to leverage enterprise capabilities and put professionalism back in management consulting.

Good Experiences Come Back 10 Fold

How many times have you needed to call for a service such as carpet cleaning? Mechanic service? How about a more serious issue such as a flood service? Did you find that looking through the phone book just doesn’t give enough info and searching online pops up to many unreliable, irrelevant leads? Either way, I personally find it hard at times to find quality, fast reliable service. For instance, I thought word of mouth was the best way to get what I am looking for. So...

U.S Companies Must Quickly Register Their Brand Name

Trademark experts strongly emphasized the responsibility of American businesses to register immediately their names in China in order to avoid becoming the preys of brand squatters. They said that U.S companies, regardless whether they have future plans for expansion in the Asian country or none, need to enlist their names as quickly as possible. This action is necessary in order for them to avoid losing their business name for other local industries in mainland China.

What Is Backfile Document Scanning?

Backfile Document Scanning is scanning your recent and archived paper files, documents, blueprints or any other paper and converting them into an electronic format, giving you the ability to access them via your PC, network, or even online using the World Wide Web. Most companies after some investigation find that the resources required to start their own backfile scanning processes are very costly in more ways then one, and that most times the lack of accuracy and the amo...