
Profitability – Pricing Strategies To Make Money

At a meeting the other day, a marketing consultant opened her talk by asking the group, "What are you worth?" She went on to discuss all the different ways we minimize our worth or discount our value in desperate attempts to close the sale. After all the pitfalls of pricing and selling were laid out, she closed the talk by asking again, "What are you worth?" The responses around the room were very entertaining as people began to realize or give themselves permission to adjust...

Using Outsourcing Software To Reduce Costs

When you examine the Internet as a whole, it becomes clear that the World Wide Web is an integral part of the global business paradigm. That being said, employers can get in touch with computer programmers in Zimbabwe or an Internet Technology professional in Bombay with the simple click of a mouse. This ability to reach out and hire someone has modified the way companies can conduct business. For one, it does not require them to keep a full staff of professionals, thereby...