
3 Reasons Why The Copy You Hate Will Bring Profits You Love

Every copywriter's nightmare. We write beautiful copy for a client, who takes one look and says, "You can't be serious! This is too sales-y...or too simple...or too different..." And I'm reminded of the days, many years ago, when I volunteered as a Pet Adoption Counselor with the San Francisco SPCA. Looking back, I must have been training for what I do now. I had lots of enthusiasm. People often teased, “You’re selling cats!” Sure enough, many visitors went up with a crate...

3 Steps To Getting Highly Motivated Prospects Or Customers

With the many ways to advertise, it is easy to sometimes be in a rush to just get something out somewhere. But, no matter where you plan to advertise, there are several basic fundamentals that will help create advertisements that are effective and profitable. Here are three that will get you headed in the right direction. 1. First on the check list is; is your unique selling position (USP) clear and provoking? You need to find out what makes your business different from...

3 Tips To Building A Responsive List

I just bought a product after being on a list for over two years. I hadn't spent one red cent with this guy for two years, but like clockwork, his e-mails just kept coming. Day after day after day. Week after week. I finally gave in and purchased his product recently (it's in a field WAY outside marketing). Why did I stay on his list for so long? And why did I finally pony up the cashola for his product? It's because he had taught me to respond. Just like he taugh...

Corporate Gift Ideas – The Minefield

What a minefield! Your business has had a good year and you have decided to remind your loyal customers about how important they are to your business. Hopefully they will continue to buy from you in the future too. The trouble is, looking on the Internet; there are thousands of different corporate gift ideas to choose from that you could give away as freebees. So, what questions do you need to ask yourself and what are some of the options?...

4 Secrets To Building An Engaging Brand Experience

When you think of creating a new brand, it’s easy to think about advertising managers sitting around a conference room tossing around ideas with caffeine fueled creativity. However, often times, the most powerful branding comes from adding a little “fun” to your brand experience. Driven by the Burger King mentality, today’s customers want to do business their way on their time. They want to make their own choices. As business people, it’s our job to make sure then when cus...


Does generating $50's to $1000's per week from home interest you! NO buying or selling of any product, not MLM, not a J.O.B. Simply return emails to people looking for the same thing! Thousands of people daily are looking to escape "the rat race" and you can help them! Send an email for more info to the link at the bottom.