
MLM – The Bad, The Ugly And The Plain Old Fashioned Liars

What is MLM? It is a system of marketing where the majority of the income and cash flow comes from recruiting new members, rather than selling a product. Where the emphasis is on recruitment Are Multi-Level Marketing and Network Marketing the same? Basically, yes. MLM has a bad reputation, so the term is rarely used nowadays. It is a matter of degree. Network marketing companies require their distributors to sell a certain minimum amount of product, as well as recrui...

Boost Your Emotional Marketing Potential

Why do people buy your product? If you stack up enough benefits to outweigh the costs of purchasing it, do you automatically close the deal? It doesn't always happen, does it? Consumers are not calculating machines. They are soft, warm, breathing humans with emotions that assign meaning and personal significance to your products. How do potential customers evaluate your products (or services)? How do they trade off various factors before deciding? How are their emotions in...