
Selecting A Great Greeting Card For Every Occasion

Just strolling into a pharmacy will tell you that there is a greeting card for any possible occasion. Sympathy, birthday, graduation; any event has a card that can be given. But with so many cards available today which styles, looks or technologies stand out from the crowd. A card is just a card after all, unless it is a special card for that special person.

S Corporation – What Is It?

For many small businesses, the “S” corporation is the business entity of choice. The “S” in S corporation refers to a tax designation. All corporations are created the same way under state law. A small business must then chose a tax status, to wit, “C”, “S” or non-profit. Important issues concerning S corporations are covered in this article.

The Definition Of A Work At Home Call Center Agent

At the present time there is an estimated "100,000 home-based phone representatives" employed throughout the United States. According to predictions made by the Gartner Group, it is believed that by the end of 2006 approximately ten percent of all call centers scattered throughout the United States will be relying on the skills and services of work at home call center agents for the widespread success of their businesses. Call centers are becoming a bigger and better indu...

Avoiding Common Work At Home Scams

Scammers are getting more creative every day, coming up with new schemes to get your money (or sensitive information). Knowledge is power! By educating yourself on the common scams and keeping aware about new ones, you can stop the scammers in their tracks. Remember, if no one fell for their tactics, they would be out of business! Here are some of the most common scams today: Stuffing Envelopes - There are no legitimate envelope-stuffing jobs out there. Please don't fool y...

Your Website…Is YOU!

Your website represents you. Its appearance can make or break sales. Great websites entice visitors to stay, buy and return again and again. Fantastic design features include: surfability, the importance of the main page, the appeal and ease on the eyes in the use of color, screen resolutions and browsers.

The Questioner’s Art

Today we look at one of the nuances of the SPIN questioning model. It’s the “forking paths” dilemma: During a sales call, you uncover a buyer problem that has multiple implications, some of which lead, in turn, to further implications